Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Unbelief: Expecting Nothing In Return

Unbelief is more evident by an attitude that we don't expect much from God because we have tried nearly everything to get some favorable result or answer to prayer but little seems to happen (at least according to our timetable).

We might pray and fast, tithe, help out in church, and read the Word all of which is good and necessary. But often the intent in these acts of service is for God to make Himself known in our lives, namely answering our petitions.

After work I crossed the street to Walmart to pick up a few items. I placed a call to my wife to learn that she received a response after submitting a job application for the same company that let her go (the home office is in a different state). As I walked home my prayer was terminal. "Lord, she has tried every job over the past seven months, even 11 submissions in a single day with little or no response. It's only expected they would turn her down maybe it's a risk we should not have considered."

Unbelief. Unbelief. Unbelief.

There was no reciting of God's promise of provision. No word of praise that He has been so gracious to provide and continues to do so. No reminder that God is in control and that He prompted us to take a bold step of faith.

As I crossed through the park near our apartment the Lord spoke a question to my heart, "...when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8, NIV). I pleaded with Him to find me faithful, to quicken my heart to believe and to give me strength once again to hold fast to His promises.

When I came home I learned my wife was invited for a telephone interview! I was stunned and felt a rush of shame. As we prayed together, I confessed my terminal (unbelieving) and sinful attitude.

Unbelief expects nothing but when we ask in faith, believing, God moves mountains of trouble right into the heart of the sea.

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