Below the surface, anger can simmer for a few minutes to several years before it becomes evident. Anger doesn't always have to be explosive, it can be implosive, an inward detonation that sometimes brings self-destruction. Anger is not specific to men who tend to be more prone it, but women can be angry just as well.
Think of Cain who killed his brother after God refused his offering. Queen Athaliah in a murderous rage tried to destroy the royal family except for one grandson who was hidden away in the palace. King Saul tried to pin David to the wall in a jealous, demonized rage.
Moses took matters in his own hands and struck an Egyptian in attempt to defend his own people. Later, in disobedience he struck the rock rather than speak to it. He never entered the Promise Land but only viewed it from Mt Pisgah (Deuteronomy 34:1-4).
How many men and women are not able to enter into the fullness of God's promise because they refuse to let go of the burning coal in their heart? They can see God's goodness on the horizon but will not be able to taste the fruit of peace they so desire until they surrender.
A person given to anger seeks to justify their anger by looking for ways to keep the coal white hot. They nurse and harbor bitter and hateful thoughts. They repeat the wrongs done to them to anyone who will listen.
For many years, I've struggled with anger which is more evident when I'm afraid, overwhelmed and feel powerless. I recall James 1:20 which says, "For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." (KJV)
When we look at the Biblical stories of men and women given over to anger, they left a trail of destruction with little or no good attributed to their lives. In the end, their anger destroyed them and left them outside any life and power found in God. They became the lives of what not to do when angry.
God gives a strong measure of grace for anyone willing to lay down their offenses and arguments. God is just and will vindicate us if we are willing to withdraw our hand from turning the wheels of justice in our own right. Beloved, we don't need to be consumed by anger rather be fueled by His love for others - something only He can do in us.
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