Friday, August 30, 2013

His Food

Jesus, the Son of God, in human form was very passionate. He was passionate to heal, restore, teach truth and lead his disciples to be the church. He was passionate about life, passionate to die and full of passion when raised from the dead.

Unlike us, His passion was not about self ambition, of fame or fortune or overthrowing the Romans for His own kingdom. His passion was to the do the will of His Father out of love for Him. Whatever the Father spoke, He echoed the words. If His Father directed Him across the sea or to the top of a mountain, Jesus gladly went.

We read in John 4:34, ""My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (NIV). In other words, what feeds Me, fuels My desire and satisfies Me is obeying My Father.

How often do we stop and think throughout the day what pleases God? Will my words bring a smile to face? Do we spend most of our prayer time asking Him what is on His heart rather than our plans, dreams and desires?

Beloved, what I'm not suggesting is burdening ourselves with good works or a legalistic mindset (a list of dos and don'ts) approach to serving and pleasing God. He's finished the work on the cross. We approach Him in faith, trusting in His power to do what we can never do in our own strength (Hebrews 11:6).

So when we go throughout the day think about His nearness. Think of how we might please Him when we are kind to strangers and loving to our family and friends. Think how it blesses Him that we freely offer ourselves in surrender with nothing more than our hearts to give Him.

Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.
Ephesians 5:10

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