Monday, August 5, 2013

Glorious Restoration

The work of restoration is never a passive work. It requires a submitted mind and heart to the work of the Holy Ghost. We must abandon our demands to understand, argue or question how He will restore the waste places in our lives.

This means taking our eyes off the natural outlook – the dry, ruined, desolate or overrun places in our lives – and fix them on Christ.

Nehemiah was a captive and cup bearer to the King of Persia, King Artaxerxes. He receives a report of those escaped captivity were in great distress and reproach. The walls of Jerusalem were broken down and the gates were burned by fire (Nehemiah 1:2-3). Not only was the city a mess, but the people were in distress and confounded.

He was so moved by the report that Nehemiah sat down and wept for many days. He fasted and prayed over the plight of his people and the city of Jerusalem. Then Nehemiah stood up and got to work.

Beloved, there is a time for reflection, repentance and confession but we must stand to our feet and step into the restorative work God has ordained for us. Nehemiah partnered with God in whatever measure God allowed him.

Nehemiah had yet to see the devastation of the city. He had little or no expertise to rebuild stone walls, hang gates or lead former captives to shoulder the work. All he understood was God's heart is to restore and repair the ruined places.

And Nehemiah understood something else that was key to his success (and ours) when rebuilding the walls and the city gates. It was not about him! It was truly the Lord's work, the Lord's people and the Lord's desire for His name to be once again upheld as a testimony to the surrounding nations!

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