Monday, May 6, 2013

Your Going To Be Okay

Sometimes a child needs to hear their father say every so often, "It's going to be okay."

Sadly, frustrated, weary and upset fathers say very few encouraging words to a child, especially at the end of the day. Some fathers didn't grow up with touching or expressing words of affection. To stoop down and look into the eyes of a child and say soothingly, "It's going to be allright," is difficult, perhaps painful. Pride is often the worse enemy. Why show tenderness when a child needs a strong, powerful hand to keep him or her in line?

Still many sons and daughters are growing up with a hunger for a touch, a kind word, someone to tell them it will be okay.

Recently, I spent the afternoon at a flea market in Brooklyn. My wife and I walked up and down the various booths gazing and touching various antique furniture, an odd sortment of ornaments, aging photos, and by gone mementos. The skies were bright with a warm sun kissing our face. We enjoyed tasting some delightful food and being in each others company.

Then slowly I turned to see a young man, at first my eyes caught his heels then moved up his back as he stooped down to lift something up. This may sound odd, but I suddenly became aware of the spiritual surroundings. "What is it Lord?" I felt this urge to reach out and touch his shoulder and say, "It's going to be ok." Then I noticed the faded marks on his arms. Bruises? A disease? Or just every day living of bumps and scratches? My hand stuck to my side and I went on my way but my heart kept returning to him and to others who just want to hear the words, "It will be ok."

You may ask how can it be okay when my life is in ruins? When relationships have broken my heart? When promises were made by those who loved me, or at least I thought, but they lied?

We are given this promise in Hosea 11:14, "I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them." (NIV).

God takes the time to stoop down, lift us up and look us in the eyes and feeds us. Feeds us with the words our starving souls have longed to hear. You are loved, wanted and desired, You are going to be okay. Your Father is watching over you to protect, guide and help you.

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