Saturday, May 4, 2013

Just One Crumb

Jesus said in Matthew 5:3, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (KJV). What does it mean to be poor in spirit? In the original it means to crouch or cower like a beggar. Blessed are the beggars and those who cower for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It was not about the money or possessions. Or gaining all the treasures in heaven that were deprived here on earth.

Rather the beggars are those who are hungry for the Lord that nothing in this life satisfies them.

It the woman who in desperation for her daughter to be healed says, "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." (Matthew 15:27). What she was saying is, "Lord just one crumb from the Bread of Life is enough for me. I'm satisfied even if I don't have the entire loaf, just a crumb will do!"

Yet how many of us are not hungry because we are eating the stale bread of hours spent in front of the television. No matter the number of cooking, reality, news or education films we watch it can never deposit treasure in heaven. Some of us pack our day with one activity after another with no time left for Jesus. No, we didn't enrich our lives one bit. We are exhausted, empty and dry. There is a lack of peace and our relationships are strained and frustrated.

The poor in the spirit are those who say I don't need to watch television to fill my mind with the last events or news. I don't need to go to every event or activity. Even though the world might say we are small, narrow minded and out of touch with reality. What they don't understand we are the richest in spirit power and strength. Why? We feast daily at the table the Lord has spread for us in times of prayer and reading the word.

You can be poor in the spirit by neglecting the things of God by not reading His word and prayer. Or you can be poor ( and very much blessed) in the spirit by starving the flesh and it's appetites. Remember, Israel got what they requested while complaining in the desert, but God brought a leanness into their soul (Psalms 106:15). The leanness was to cause an appetite for God, the true bread of life.

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