Frustration is one of those strong emotions that we experience from opposition that creates a blockage to our momentum and motivation. Merriam Webster defines frustration as “a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs”.
What causes you the most frustration?
Intense frustration happens most when we are exhausted. In weariness, our guard slips and we are the most vulnerable to the lies of the Enemy that says “You are a failure!” “You will never get out of this mess, you are stuck!”
How do you feel when you are frustrated?
Recall the dictionary phrases “dissatisfaction” and “unfilled needs”. Frustration is an attitude of dissatisfaction when our personal desires and needs are overlooked, even ignored. From my experience of a father’s neglect in my childhood, I struggled at times in feeling defenseless and this carried into adulthood causing problems in relationships.
When things went wrong, I felt left on my own and vulnerable to negative criticism. It frustrated me when those close to me failed to respond to my pressing needs, even if it was selfishly motivated.
Frustration, like an electrical shortage, will almost always ends in some form of heated anger and resentment. Sadly, this anger is often directed toward God. You can hear people who are frustrated when they say, “I prayed and nothing happens and my situation is only getting worse! So what’s the point of praying?”
Beloved, isn't this is the very ploy of the Enemy, our accuser.
If Satan can move us out of the proportion (or circle) of grace God ordained for us to live in then we are no longer abiding in Christ, who is of all things, our Prince of Peace. Ephesians 4:7 says, “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”
Psalms 16:6 says, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance,” so until we can agree to the Scripture we’ll find ourselves constantly dissatisfied and frustrated with life and God.
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