Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Fresh from a victory of Jericho, the Israelites move to Ai. Spies were sent to spy out this small city. "When they returned to Joshua, they said, "Not all the army will have to go up against Ai. Send two or three thousand men to take it and do not weary the whole army, for only a few people live there." (Joshua 7:3 NIV). But Israel did not know that someone within their camp broke faith by taking devouted objects from Jericho. The enemy wasn't Ai it was within.

And there was another enemy. Arrogance was creeping into the camp. Notice the response of the spies by stating "only a few people live there". It was as if to say, we conquered Jericho what is Ai?

Except they forgot who was leading them into victory. Remember Joshua's meeting with the Lord in Joshua 5:14-15, "Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" The commander of the LORD's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so." (NIV).

Ai was not about numbers but of obedience. Obedience in the largest (Jericho) and the smallest (Ai) measures. Beloved, obedience in one area of our lives impacts another area of lives and those around us.

Arrogance causes us to forget what God did for His glory and assume it can happen again in the same measure or greater without consulting or obeying God in every area of our lives.

Beloved, whatever Ai (that small stronghold) in your life, ask the Lord to search your hearts. Don't assume you can march up to the gates of the enemy without the Commander leading the way to victory.

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