Sunday, February 10, 2013

Little Ones

The Lord was speaking to my heart regarding offenses, but more so how I treat those in the body of Christ with tenderness and care. One indication of an offense is a bad attitude. I quickly lose a spirit of gratitude and right perspective when offended. A minor offense becomes this overwhelming mountain, hindering my fellowship and prayer life. Sadly, I became a stumbling block to those around me.

In fact, one of the definitions of offense means a stumbling block. A stumbling block is an obstacle to progress or an impediment to belief or understanding. In other words, an offense causes someone to stumble or trip over our words or by some offensive action we have committed. This can have a devastating impact when we offend a brother and sister in the Lord.

Beloved, there is a danger when we are offended. Offenses not dealt in truth and in love will cause us to turn the offense toward God. Proverbs 18:19 says, “An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars” (NLT).

Jesus warned the disciples in Luke 17:1, “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come” (NIV). It is one thing to be the offended party but the greater sin lies with the one who offends. We see this in Mark 9:42 and Matthew 18:1-5 where Jesus warns against those offend a “little” one in Christ. He says it would be better if a millstone was tied around the offender’s neck and drowned in the sea.

The “little ones” can be those who are young in Christ, but I believe these “little ones” are those who we might perceive has having no great stature – the unknowns or the ones we tend to overlook, the ones we might see as being gifted or have much to offer who seem plain, ordinary and weak.

Jesus warns the disciples unless you change and become little children, you never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:2-5). So we are all little ones in the kingdom of God! Let us remember Jesus takes seriously those who offend the little ones.

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