I'm currently a team leader for a church prayer team so I have opportunity to hear many requests for prayer.
I've noticed a person in need will often circle around the true issue or problem, staying close to the surface where it's safe. This actually works to the team's advantage as it requires us to lean on the Lord for insightful words of healing and comfort. Often the person is surprised that through prayer, the Lord touches on something very deep, personal and unknown by many.
I'm reminded of Mark 10:51 when Jesus asked a blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." (NIV).
From the first reading, it might seem obvious that being blind he would request to have his eyesight restored.
But could the Lord be addressing something deeper, something that is not so obvious, a need so deep in the heart of this man which he may not be fully aware? What if the man replied, I want spiritual sight. I want to see Jesus. God may have certainly done both for the man, healing both the physical and spiritual sight.
Sadly, we really don't know what to ask of the Lord. Yes, He can meet our physical needs, but these needs are constant. Answer one need and another need springs up! Most don't expect God to listen and have prayers answered. They might feel their request is too foolish or too difficult or even too painful to ask.
After so many years had passed, remember God visited Sarah with the news that in the same year, she would bear a child. I believe out of pain, she laughed, but God still answered her deepest long.
Be encouraged to pray heart rendering prayers. Prayers that move the heart of God because we are foolish enough to believe He will answer us. Remember, those that ask will receive an answer from the Lord. Nothing is more satisfying than a prayer answered that meets a physical desire or need, but one that speaks to a deepest longing of the heart.
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