Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The End of Weakness Is Perfected Power

At times, we all feel inadequate. There might a problem or situation that seems overwhelming and too challenging to overcome. We may find ourselves at a disadvantage from reaching our full potential because of poor education, a broken home or simply being cash strapped to a tight budget.

Other descriptive words for inadequacy are deficient, short, insufficient, lacking, low, scarce, shy and wanting.

Do any of these words describe how we feel at the end of a busy day? Our strength is low while our impatience is rising while we sit in bottle neck traffic. Soon enough, we lack the strength to keep our temper in check. Or when the Lord asks us to reach out to a neighbor or family member? We became shy and reticent rather than being bold and courageous. Instead we mumble something about God and hope they don't ask us to repeat it.

The Apostle Paul writes, “and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority” (Colossians 2:10 NASB). The key phrase in this verse is in Him we have been made complete. Jesus said, apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). Only in Christ can we have an effectual and fruitful life which brings true satisfaction. There is no want in Christ so a satisfied heart is confident, restful and at peace.

Paul makes an interesting statement in 2 Corinthians 12:9 as he describes the power of God being made perfect in weakness. In the original, perfect means "rolling-over" to the next level (phase) of consummation.

When we find ourselves feeling inadequate don’t follow its destructive path. Rather allow the Lord to bring us to the end of your self efforts and attempts do something (anything) in the flesh. For at the end of our weakness, we will find His strength to overcome. And in that end, Christ “rolls over” our inadequacies into the perfecting power of God to change us!

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