Saturday, December 26, 2009

It is Written

The word of God should always be the final authority in our lives. Regardless to the circumstance, or ever shifting emotions, or what the world may claim. Notice each time Jesus spoke to Satan while being tempted in the wilderness he said, "It is written." God's word is powerful!

To believe God can do wonders in our lives and through the lives of others, is to recognize and submit to His authority. Luke 7 tells of a centurion seeking Jesus to heal his servant. What is interesting is the man never saw Jesus nor did the servant. Rather, the centurion sent out friends to tell Jesus, "...say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me" (Luke 7:6-8). The centurion recognized the authority of Jesus as being higher than his own. He demonstrates this by stating he is a man under command while he commands others. By recognizing God's authority, he submits and only asks for Jesus to speak the word and the servant will be healed.

I spent time this morning repenting for not being fully submissive to God's authority. I also understand my culture is fiercely independent and bucks against anyone telling him or her what to do, no less submitting to an authority be it a boss, teacher, pastor etc., whom the Lord has placed in our lives. It is not a question of misuse of authority by others in leadership, rather a heart issue to submit to God. He will take care of those in position of power and privilege.

Oh the healing God longs to demonstrate in our lives, if only we tuck ourselves under His wings and submit!

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