Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can You See What He Sees?

When I'm able I like to attend the early morning prayer group at my church. Any number of people come and go during that hour to share and pray. One particular man, who I'll call Bill, occasionally shows up at the prayer meeting.

Bill is homeless and an alcoholic. He will sit down for a few minutes, sometimes muttering to himself or praying before wandering off into the lobby or outside where he might ask for spare change.

After prayer, Bill and I crossed the street for a coffee. As we reached the side door of the cafe, he remarked: "That was a good prayer meeting."

Beyond the rough exterior, damaged body, broken mind, and bondage to drink is Bill's spirit. A spirit who can still respond to God's presence to say, "It was a good prayer meeting."

When I returned home, I repented. I repented of my arrogant laced prayers, lofty eyes (so often it easy to turn a blind eye) and a lack of brokenness. I failed to see Bill through the eyes of God. A man who God sees restored, healed and delivered. A man who may one day return to those who showed kindness and love not so much to thank, but as a testament of God's power to redeem, yes, even ransom from the grip of a defeated foe.

Unknown to Bill, he is teaching me the Scripture in Matthew 21:31b, "Jesus said, "Yes, and I tell you that crooks and whores are going to precede you into God's kingdom. John came to you showing you the right road. You turned up your noses at him, but the crooks and whores believed him. Even when you saw their changed lives, you didn't care enough to change and believe him" (The Message).

May I never be so religious, so proud, unbroken or unchanged by whatever physical or mental condition is present, but move past the exterior to see what He sees!

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