Saturday, August 18, 2018


Rest is necessary for the body and mind. It's been noted that healthy adults need at least 7-9 hours of sleep.

Still how many of us wake up feeling anything but rested? We are exhausted from tossing and turning all night. Just about the time we drift off to sleep a thought about work or family interrupts our slumber.

My grandparents who served many years in Brazil as missionaries took time to rest. They were early risers, but every afternoon they would take a nap for about an hour. Even when visiting us or others they would stop the activities of the afternoon. They head straight for the bedroom. When they reappeared they had more energy and clarity. We picked up the habit ourselves. My wife and I make every effort to take a nap on Sunday. The Lord's day of rest.

There's a supernatural rest that Jesus promises though we maybe bone weary. He said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28 NIV).

We must be willing to suspend activities, cancel less important meetings or re-arrange our schedules to take a moment of repose. We are no good to ourselves or God's kingdom if we fill our day from end to the other with a frenzy of activities. We need to wait on God who will renew our strength. So take a step back and take a deep breath. Mediate on God and He will properly center your world.

You can close your eyes and rest assure. God who never sleeps is watching over you.

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