Saturday, August 25, 2018

How Long Lord?

No doubt we are in the latter days.

Lawlessness is increasing. The recent news of young lady murdered shows how troubling and violent our society has become. It shows how the fear of God is largely absent from our world.

We will all stand before Him to give an account. This should cause us to tremble and live carefully. Heaven is real and so is hell. These are the places we freely chose to spend our eternity.

Revelation 12:12 says the devil has come down in great fury because his time is short. Some of the gross and violent behavior we see in our world is more than flesh and blood, but demonic.

Yes, people make willful and deliberate choices. But with that choice, there's an undercurrent of spiritual darkness. It's nothing short of demonic rage against God. God is about abundant life not murder, mayhem and destruction.

How long, LORD, will the wicked, how long will the wicked be jubilant? (Psalms 94:3 NIV)

As believers we can be tempted to question why such injustice continues as David expressed in Psalms 13. But God knows how to keep and sustain us in this dark hour.

We are to be light and salt in a world that desperately needs to know Christ is the savior. Rather than question the sovereignty and justice of God we must trust He is in control - not raging demonic forces or wicked people who take matters in their own hands.

How long?

Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end. (Psalms 73:17 KJV)

When we come into the house of God the questions cease and our soul finds rest in a just God.

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