Saturday, June 9, 2018

National Despair

This present generation is experiencing what I call national despair.

The recent news of a famed chef and woman who successfully created fashionable purses both committed suicide. In the article about the recent deaths, it was indicated that suicide in our country has risen substantially.

Our country is reeling from the effects of mental anguish, torment and depression. Violence continues in our schools even with all the effort to curb it. The talk and speech of this country has become crude and divisive. Even those in media who are to be objective and professional now say vile and disgusting things only to issue a tweet or some empty statement to apologize.

Our despair runs similar to those who in the Bible who were taken captive. You can hear it in their voices. Our enemies had brought us here as their prisoners; now they wanted us to sing and entertain them. They insulted us and shouted, "Sing about Zion!" (Psalms 137:3 CEV).

This same Zion that is described as "high and magnificent; the whole earth rejoices to see it! Mount Zion, the holy mountain, is the city of the great King!" (Psalms 48:2 NLT). Zion where God's presence rest but the people of God were far from that place of joy and holy delight.

And like America we have been taken captive by our collective sins. We have moved far from our historical and godly moorings where decency and respect was evident. A time when God once was spoken in reverence both in schools and public places without censor. Now God is a liability to some and to others an offense to speak His name.

But God in His mercy still calls out to us even in our despair. He says, "Return, faithless people," declares the LORD, "for I am your husband. I will choose you--one from a town and two from a clan--and bring you to Zion." (Jeremiah 3:14 NIV).

This nation can be delivered from despair when the people of God call out to Him. He's faithful to deliver His people from depression and distress so others can have hope that there's a reason to live - and experience abundant life.

O beautiful for patriot dream
that sees beyond the years
thine alabaster cities gleam,
undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
confirm thy soul in self-control,
thy liberty in law

America the Beautiful
Katharine Lee Bates (August 12, 1859 – March 28, 1929)

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