Saturday, June 30, 2018

Bending Toward The Light

Every so often I have to turn one of our house plants. It bends toward the living room window although the room is flooded with natural light.

Likewise, we need to live in the light even though gross darkness around us continues to thicken because we are in the last days. I John 2:10 says, "Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble." (NIV).

When we live and walk in the light we are assured we can't stumble. And someone who's offensive and unkind can't cause us to fall. Why? When we live in the light of Christ we see things clearly - as it really is - not what we understand by natural sight. His light gives us a different perspective so our behavior changes (bends) in conformity to His word.

In our present generation people pride themselves in being enlightened individuals. They know a lot of things but it doesn't make them wise. Or illuminate their spiritual life. True, life experiences have shed some radiance to their understanding to world around them. The internet and other social media outlets feed news and updates in seconds of things that are happening around the world. We are very knowledgeable culture.

But this is not the light of Christ. In fact, much of the information we process may only darken the mind. Only one power source exists for light to penetrate the soul. And that is Jesus who is the light of the world (John 8:12).

Beloved, when we spend just a few minutes a day in His word; you can be certain shadows will fade. Light will always overcome our darkness (John 1:5). So, read a verse. Mediate on it throughout the day. You’ll find it sweeter than honey (Psalms 119:13) and brightening the eyes.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalms 119:105 NIV).

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