Saturday, May 5, 2018

Winds Of Change

Finally, spring arrived with warm gusts and bursting green leaves.

And with the change in season, other changes have followed. My wife was notified her gym is closing. The walk to the fitness club was just minutes from work and offered classes she enjoyed. Then we received news our company may relocate but no details were forthcoming. The office and parking fees increased to the point a financial action was required. As mentioned before, my work load has dramatically increased in volume while quality on every level is diminished. So, I've applied for another position and was given an interview this past week. Within a couple of months, we may be heading to the Pacific Northwest.

Yes, the winds of change have come again but is this leading us to a higher and greater purpose in serving Christ?

The purpose of leaving New York has to be greater than a financial driver (we were notified our rent is going up to $1,900.00) or having a comfortable lifestyle that we can afford.

I don't believe that every Christian has some nomadic commission but rather a willingness to get up and go when God calls. And I don't believe bouncing around the world in search of a revelation to what I should do. We are called to pray and seek His face. In those moments, His plan is revealed for our lives.

Scripture says, "If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return." (Hebrews 11:15). Perhaps of the many moves in Florida, Oregon and New York was punctuated by seasons when the Lord opened and closed doors. And I've made a lot of my own decisions out of impatience and fear that regrettable I'd like to undo.

If we stay or if we advance as believers in this journey; we have to cut the ties to a worldly and familiar place. Lot's wife couldn't break free from Sodom. She stole one final glance over her shoulder. Understandably, her mind might have been on her sons-in-laws who died that day when fire fell from heaven.

If they had been thinking of the country they had left....

It's time to ask God for new and anointed thoughts that see higher and greater things because no mind can perceive what good things He has in store (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Only if...we are willing to go to that place.

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