Saturday, February 3, 2018

Comfort For The Inconsolable

Jesus encouraged the disciples by saying, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" (John 14:16 KJV).

The word comforter in Greek means helper, intercessor, comforter and advocate. He is all we need in these trying and often painful times in our generation.

But why does it seem there's a disconnect in the believer's lives to receiving the comfort God offers us? Why we do assimilate to how the world finds comfort in activities, events and experiences that may produce a momentary relief. Then whatever measure of comfort, it quickly fades and we are left without the firm assurance and peace only God can instill. I've learned in my life finding comfort apart from God often meant destructive behaviors and long-standing consequences.

Friends, we don't run to God because we simply don't believe He can fully comfort us. We can easily comfort others with a kind word or embrace but we find ourselves inconsolable. Our nature is to have to a backup plan, an escape route or some supplement to God's comfort to ease the pressure and alleviate the pain.

We have to ask God in faith for comfort in times of unexplainable pain and those moments that seem to push us near the edge of insanity. And when temptation raises its ugly head that we turn to God for help rather than given in for a few minutes of pleasure.

God's comfort is instructive. It moves us beyond any state of self-pity and bemoaning our loss. His comfort teaches us that these are just fleeting times in what is a larger journey of being more like Him. When the Lord walked the earth, He was often denied the comforts that many experienced. "Foxes have dens and birds have nest," Jesus said, "But the Son of Man has no place to lay His head." (Luke 9:58). And the measure of His comfort helps us to comfort others in need.

I want to be very sensitive in writing this regarding those who have been mistreated or abuse. God's comfort will not violate a person as if to force His arms around you. His touch is unlike some people whose touch can be cruel and unfeeling. God comfort is not superficial but goes to broken places in soul and gently and quietly mends. If anything, the evidence of God's comfort is a healed mind. Troubling and tormenting thoughts will stop when God's comfort takes over.

I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mere mortals, human beings who are but grass (Isaiah 51:12 NIV).

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