Saturday, November 4, 2017

He Sees

2 Chronicles 16:9a says, "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." (NIV).

God sees, He knows and God acts on our behalf. Nothing is hidden from his gaze and nothing is beyond his reach when a heart cries for Him.

Jesus saw the man at the pool of Bethesda and after He learned he had been in that condition for long time asked, "Do you want to get well?" (John 5:6). And to the woman after years of hemorrhaging; he turned and looked at her. He reassured that her faith made her whole.

In His eyes we find love, acceptance and sometimes our own tears in His eyes. God is not without feeling of our pain nor is He far removed from us as the world or Devil would want us to believe.

God's name is Emmanuel - God with us - and when we draw close to Him you can be sure He’s already standing next to you.

But what does He see in us?

So many of us glance at the mirror with shame and eyes darkened by a history we really don't want anyone to know no less even see. So, we put on a brave face and a stiff religious smile. But God sees past all that to the heart of the matter.

The grace of God is more evident by Him not turning His eyes away from us. Rather His steady gaze attracts us to Him.

It's what Jesus saw in the woman anointing his feet with perfume and weeping. Though her sins were great, it was her love for God that was stronger because she found in Him forgiveness (Luke 7:47).

Ask the Lord to give you the strength to look Him in the eye - and whatever you do - don't turn away.

You will be pleasantly surprised to see what's in His eyes.

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