Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Place Called Bochim

The angel of the Lord appeared to the Israelites after they failed to keep His covenant.

They were not destroying the enemy as commanded but rather subjecting the hostile nations to pay tribute or create a powerful workforce. Some of God's people were intermarrying with these same nations that God clearly prohibited. Judges 2:5 says, "So they called the place Bokim (which means "weeping"), and they offered sacrifices there to the LORD." (NLT).

Bokim or Bochim is believed to be near or at Bethel. Bethel was considered a spiritual place. Centuries earlier, Jacob rested and dreamed of angels ascending and descending on a ladder. Later, King Jeroboam set up two golden calves declaring these are the gods that delivered God's people (I Kings 12:28). This echoed what the high priest Aaron told Israel while still in the wilderness (Exodus 32:4).

Bochim is not a place of repentance but tears of self-pity and regret. Throughout the book of Judges, God's people cycled in and out of defeat and victory. They repeated a pattern of sin and confession. One of the saddest Scriptures capture this ugly history: "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit." (Judges 21:25 NIV). But they did have a King but rejected Him.

In our Christian walk, how many times will we find ourselves in Bochim?

A place we weep and promise to do better, but have no intent in leaving our familiar and sinful places. Some of us relive memories that God has forgiven and forgotten. But in our weakest moments when the enemies of fear, anxiety or worry presses in - we retreat to a secret viewing of an old life we can only imagine revisiting. Over time, our lives become corrupt with compromises, self-justifiable excuses and distorted reasonings to why we don't ask God to empower us to defeat the thing we find the most attractive (and destructive).

There is a godly sorrow that works a spirit and heart of repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). It does not lead to sorrow or death but freedom. God promises that sow in sorrow will reap in songs of joy (Psalms 126.5).

So, if you find yourself in Bochim ask God for a true heart of repentance - don't makes promises and vows to do better or wallow in self-pity but return to Him - even if it’s a defeated place.

God faithfully and lovingly delivered His people throughout the book of Judges so how much more His sons and daughters!

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