Saturday, October 14, 2017

And When He Was Old

The bible says, "For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods; and his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been." (1 Kings 11:4 NASB).

This was a man who had everything from wisdom, power, fame and wealth beyond imagination but became weak and indifferent to the things of God when he was old. It appears from the early days, he kept God in remembrance in his youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1) but then came the attractions and the entanglements of many relationships.

Most agree David wrote these lines and the truth should have been lived out in his son's golden years. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come (Psalms 71:18, NIV).

David's passionate heart for God never diminished and believed no matter his age God's purpose for him remained, even outlasting his days.

Those who are older must be careful that patterns and habits of living doesn't weaken us. Perhaps the temptations of youth are long over and you can barely stand to your feet. Still there's a temptation to believe the best years are over or that God is looking for the next youthful David to take down Goliath.

God used an old woman to prophesy over Christ (Luke 2:36-37) and Caleb was eighty years old when he conquered a mountain full of giants (Joshua 14:12).

Sadly, most church culture is influenced by worldly standards along the lines of gender and age. The young and the attractive show case a particular "me generation" ministry. The middle age family may be teachers or mentors. The older congregants seem regulated to a Wednesday night prayer meeting or helping with church potlucks.

Maybe one day an eighty-year Moses and his brother Aaron just might upset the balance. Older men and women who declare freedom where things have grown cold and dusty. Where constrictions of age and ability are overturned.

The passionate love of a man or woman of God will always transcends age and ability (or disability).

Let's announce in our 50s, 60s, and perhaps right up to our 100th year (if God so permits) - that His fire will not go out in my life but it will consume me and those around me until the next generation sees the power of God. Not a sniveling old man or woman in a rocker bemoaning that the best days are over!

There's a mountain of giants waiting for you - go and conquer!

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