Saturday, August 5, 2017

Please, Take My Hand

Jesus promised, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand." (John 10:28, NIV). Though our world may spin out of control and we feel we are about to lose it, God holds us firmly in His hand so we are not swept away.

Some years ago I recall standing at a train station. It followed a gruelling lab workup that showed my immune system was rapidly failing. The pressure for medical intervention was mounting and rightly so for the risk of opportunistic infections was increasing. Tears streamed down my eyes. The emotional upset was a mixture of anger and pride and fear.

Then I remembered as a child my father taking my hand before crossing the street. "Son," he said, "Check the walk sign and always look to your right and then to your left before stepping into the street." I looked up and saw him turn his head in both directions. So, I repeated his actions. As we passed the row of stopped cars, I felt safe and secure. Nothing bad could happen to me because daddy tightly held my hand.

Now many years later I was at a train station. A crossroad of sorts. I was not concerned who saw me when I slightly raised my hand, "Please, Father, take my hand. I'm afraid." I was about to cross a dangerous street of a different kind that only faith in Him could take me to other side - even if it meant the end of my existence.

For those like myself that need to get to the other side of a difficulty or a painful problem God says, "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." (Isaiah 41:13 NIV).

Almost nine years later and nearing my 49th birthday, I remain in a state of health without treatment. Reckless, dangerous, foolish? Perhaps, but faith refuses to be limited. Either we believe God will take our hand (or not) to get us to the other side. And because He does take our hand it will only lead us through the shadow of death in a place of peace and rest.

Yes, there were moments I foolishly jerked away my hand and ran ahead. Other times I dug in my heels and fell behind. But God is a good and faithful father.

He will rescue and correct each and every time so we remain in step with Him much like Jacob limping after wrestling with Him all night.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25 KJV). When you are at rest holding His hand then you are walking in faith.

And nothing... impossible to those who believe Him (Mark 9:23).

It's time to cross the street to possibilities.

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