Saturday, July 1, 2017

Here Comes That Dreamer

As Joseph approached his brothers, they said among themselves, ""Here comes that dreamer!" (Genesis 37:19, NIV). Earlier Joseph told them a dream that one day they and his father would bow before him. And it did not help that he was his father's favorite son who proudly wore a coat of many colors his father had made (Genesis 37:3).

I believe there's a life uniquely marked by God.

There's something that makes an individual different even special (not odd or strange). It doesn't necessarily mean they have some big talent to sing, dance or entertain.

No, it's a deep, rich spiritual life that God has formed for Himself that sets the person apart from all others. Again, it's not in the time they read and pray or attend church or work in ministry. All of that is an extension of the inner work of God in that life, but it's not their identity or role.

What I'm speaking about is the call of God on life that He separates for Himself for a particular purpose. Joseph was sold into slavery. He went from a pit to a palace in Egypt then cast into prison. After God's season of testing was completed (Psalms 105:19); he was raised up second in command to Pharaoh. He helped save the country and surrounding nations from a famine.

From a dream some fifteen years earlier to when he became ruler over Egypt; God's word proved faithful. God fulfills His dreams.

My brothers and sisters, God has each given us a dream of sorts. It may be an actual dream or some impression that keeps returning year after year. Never say it's too late to dream. Believe God can fulfill His desire in your life. For some people, youth as passed and all its energy and passion much sadly spent in folly and vanity.

Still, God's sovereign hand remains on a life that is willing to say yes.

Caleb was eighty years old when he took Hebron and the giants that possessed it (Joshua 14:12). He was one of the spies who was commissioned to spy out the Promised Land. However, ten spies gave an evil report and the entire nation was forced back into the desert for 40 years. I believe God kept Caleb from being bitter and held to his faith that one day he would have that mountain he first saw some 40 years ago. Later, when he did take the mountain he was able to bless his daughter by giving her the upper springs (Joshua 15:19). Faith nourished his God inspired dream that would in turn nourish his daughter life giving waters!

Let's be found standing at the throne one day when God will take our hand only to say, "You are my dream come true."

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