Saturday, March 25, 2017

Greener Pastures And Quieter Waters

I don't know how many times the question of why I do what I do crosses my mind.

When I think of how I spend my days starting at 4:30 am in the gym followed by a devotional time with God at 6:00 am. Then off to work by 7:30 am until nearly 5 p.m. Only to go back to the gym but this time with my wife who attends another location for exercises classes. This 5 day loop is exhausting! On Sunday there's the ministry obligations to serve up to 2 services. The time, expense and effort to get to the city and sometimes the long hours between services leaves me less refreshed and more frustrated and weary.

I understand there is no such thing as greener pastures. Erma Bombeck, the late humorist, said it best, "The grass is always greener over the septic tank." True that often we learn and lean into God more in the hard times rather than moments of bliss and peace. Our spiritual lives become well nourished by the fertilizer of daily living.

Just because we are active and seem to accomplish much does not make us at rest. Often what we do masks or distracts us from the troubling heart and mind that yearns for a deep soul felt rest.

Perhaps that is why David said, "He makes [italics mine] me lie down in green pastures, he leads [italics mine] me beside quiet waters" (Psalms 23:2).

Only God can cause our hearts to be at rest. He knows how best to interrupt the grinding circle of activities and running here and there even if obligations and commitments must be fulfilled.

Remember it's only in quietness and rest is our confidence in God restored (Isaiah 30:15). So if your day comes to a crashing halt by illness or some other event or your calendar suddenly is empty - take time with God.

And take a deep breath.

And let Him lead to you to greener pastures and quieter waters. Your soul will be restored and your strength to face the day will be in greater measure.

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