Saturday, December 17, 2016

Stepping Into The Storm Of Faith

A snowstorm struck New England. I awoke to the sounds of grinding plows and shovels scraping the sidewalk. Today in the city our church had sectioned off the road to perform Bethlem On Broadway. It was a play that involved actors and audience moving from scene to scene. It included llamas and alpacas along with goats and mini horses placidly eating hay in a fenced off area.

One glance outside the kitchen window and I wanted to go back to bed. Lord, we prayed for clear and warm weather! Did something get lost in the translation?

His words were clear: "Get moving - get dress, and yes, wear a tie." I moved to the shower then to the closet. A tie, I thought, really? The Lord replied, "I see what's under those clothes..." I agreed it was more than what He saw but an attitude of unbelief. I slipped on a pair of boots and a warm coat. My wife and I carefully made our way down a hill to the train station since driving was not safe.

Upon arrival at church, the snow had turned to rain leaving everything in a gray washed out scene of chaos. Staff and volunteers were struggling to assembly everything despite the weather. But later the storm stopped and the sun pierced through the clouds! It actually warmed up! My work was with the prayer ministry to encourage the audience seeking prayer and words of encouragement. The hours went by quickly as we prayed for those in need.

It was getting late when I glanced up at the clear sky. Then I felt His presence stand beside me. "See, you must move those feet - moving forward - advance - despite what you think or believe." I felt small and humbled.

How many times did I want what seemed better only to learn it was the worst thing? But if directed by God what appears to be difficult only leads to a place of rest and faith. A confidence that Peter learned when walking on the water at Jesus' command. Looking down at the stormy sea meant wavering in the strength of faith that kept his feet from sinking.

Beloved, we may need to pass through the valley of the shadow of death or get out of a boat of safety to walk on stormy seas. But if it's of God, He will make everything work out for our good and for His greater purposes.

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. Hebrews 11:8 (NIV).

It's not until you step out do you step into the promises of God.

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