I Corinthians 3:17 in the King James Version reads: "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
The word for defile means to waste away - a decomposition of the life of a believer - whenever sin is unchallenged and allowed to remain will only produce rot and death.
Even as mature believers, we are sometimes taken by surprise not so much by the temptations that once seemed so large and impossible to overcome but rather the subtlety of sins that catch us unaware. It can be an attitude of discontent. Harsh words even if judging the circumstance rightly but God sees it otherwise. It can be a cold shoulder. The rolling of the eyes. The mean spirited text or email sandwiched between spiritual words.
Its these finer shades of sin that tell of a deeply rooted problem that is leeching poison into our spiritual immune system. No wonder we are weak, confused or lack peace that passes all understanding!
Lately I've found myself struggling with what I call a winter season of indifference. I just seemed to stop caring about God's people (not something you want to readily confess while serving in a prayer ministry!). This indifference may have many reasons. The church I attend has many visitors from every walk of life so you will encounter those who talk too loudly, text during worship or on occasion answer their cell phone! Ushers are at hand to prevent distractions. We travel a distance to get to the church and walk some twenty minutes through the city which can be wearisome and at times annoying as we have to press through crowds of pedestrians and noisy traffic.
By the time the service ends and I join the prayer team at the front of the church, I'm exhausted and lack the strength or energy to voice a sincere prayer. Two years later I'm still in the ministry and battle some of these finer sins that threaten to poison or outright destroy my spiritual life. More so it has an impact on those who are seeking a prayer of encouragement and comfort.
Whatever keys or resources used in the past to overcome the so called "bigger" sins won't work. Beloved, we are challenged by the Holy Spirit to allow His conviction to work deep in our hearts. We have to be truthful that we can't manage or control our attitudes especially where and how we live constantly reminds us of just how weak we are without Him.
Truth and sincerity I believe are the keys to staying open and honest with God. Lip service of doing better and making promises will fail. Trying to shape or bend truth to our own understanding leads only to a narrow and mean spirited bondage of legalism.
Just speak honestly to God about your struggles. Tell Him your not willing to surrender because it hurts too much. You are afraid that if the walls around the heart should fall, you'll only be wounded more deeply. God already knows what is not spoken. Once you voice your pain and confusion ask for faith to believe that He cares enough to rescue you.
I know for my own spiritual life there is a spring (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). A moment where His love thaws out my chilly attitude and warms me to life again - as I deal honestly with Him - not treacherously or carelessly.
Remember, God is faithful. Always faithful to rebuild and restore not just bodies but wasted years spent in vanity and pride.
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