Saturday, November 26, 2016

Wasting Away

I Corinthians 3:17 in the King James Version reads: "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

The word for defile means to waste away - a decomposition of the life of a believer - whenever sin is unchallenged and allowed to remain will only produce rot and death.

Even as mature believers, we are sometimes taken by surprise not so much by the temptations that once seemed so large and impossible to overcome but rather the subtlety of sins that catch us unaware. It can be an attitude of discontent. Harsh words even if judging the circumstance rightly but God sees it otherwise. It can be a cold shoulder. The rolling of the eyes. The mean spirited text or email sandwiched between spiritual words.

Its these finer shades of sin that tell of a deeply rooted problem that is leeching poison into our spiritual immune system. No wonder we are weak, confused or lack peace that passes all understanding!

Lately I've found myself struggling with what I call a winter season of indifference. I just seemed to stop caring about God's people (not something you want to readily confess while serving in a prayer ministry!). This indifference may have many reasons. The church I attend has many visitors from every walk of life so you will encounter those who talk too loudly, text during worship or on occasion answer their cell phone! Ushers are at hand to prevent distractions. We travel a distance to get to the church and walk some twenty minutes through the city which can be wearisome and at times annoying as we have to press through crowds of pedestrians and noisy traffic.

By the time the service ends and I join the prayer team at the front of the church, I'm exhausted and lack the strength or energy to voice a sincere prayer. Two years later I'm still in the ministry and battle some of these finer sins that threaten to poison or outright destroy my spiritual life. More so it has an impact on those who are seeking a prayer of encouragement and comfort.

Whatever keys or resources used in the past to overcome the so called "bigger" sins won't work. Beloved, we are challenged by the Holy Spirit to allow His conviction to work deep in our hearts. We have to be truthful that we can't manage or control our attitudes especially where and how we live constantly reminds us of just how weak we are without Him.

Truth and sincerity I believe are the keys to staying open and honest with God. Lip service of doing better and making promises will fail. Trying to shape or bend truth to our own understanding leads only to a narrow and mean spirited bondage of legalism.

Just speak honestly to God about your struggles. Tell Him your not willing to surrender because it hurts too much. You are afraid that if the walls around the heart should fall, you'll only be wounded more deeply. God already knows what is not spoken. Once you voice your pain and confusion ask for faith to believe that He cares enough to rescue you.

I know for my own spiritual life there is a spring (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). A moment where His love thaws out my chilly attitude and warms me to life again - as I deal honestly with Him - not treacherously or carelessly.

Remember, God is faithful. Always faithful to rebuild and restore not just bodies but wasted years spent in vanity and pride.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Country Road

One of the most enjoyable activities my wife and I do is take a long drive in the country.

The narrow winding roads are quiet. Depending on the season the trees can be a brilliant verdant or completely stripped when the fall winds and rains shake them free. Today we took such a drive which was unseasonably warm and bright. The autumn air was pungent as we traveled with the windows down. We passed by open fields and turn of the century homes dressed in white washed paint. New England is breath taking during the autumn season.

The apostle Peter describe the believers as pilgrims in a strange land (I Peter 2:11). This Christian life is a journey fraught with blessings and difficulties. Each step of the way we learn more about Christ and become like Him. And with each step we get closer to going home. Such an eternal reality of living with Him forever drives us onward. Psalms 84:5 says "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion." (ESV).

Like Christian heading toward the Celestial City in The Pilgrim's Progress the Lord sends us comforters - friends who encourage us along the way. David said it well in Psalms 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.(KJV).

When we run out of strength to carry on - mercy lifts us up. We are reminded of His kindness and gentleness. When life seems cold and cruel with the temptation to retreat or take a short cut, goodness meets us. A reminder that God's goodness helped His Son bear the cruel weight of the cross.

Beloved, don't give up. God will help you - right on time - when you falter and fail. This journey is great and hard but together we can walk through this life victorious.

And you might as well smile and enjoy the ride. Just imagine you won't be passing by those same problems and difficulties and your inches away from seeing His beautiful face!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Triumphant In Dark Times

After a dark and divisive election season, Americans awoke on Wednesday morning to a stunning revelation of who is our next President.

Protests broke out in streets. People wept and suicide hotlines lit up. Even a Canadian website crashed as thousands consider leaving the country. Media outlets covering Tuesday night election was spinning story after story trying to figure out what just happened. How can one candidate win the popular vote but lose the electoral college in which determines the winning outcome. For certain, the thought of making America great was less of a celebration but a moment of depression and fear.

We are living the truth of God's word. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. (Daniel 2:21 NIV). The final outcome of this election was God's choosing. Yes, I voted as millions of others but the final say so is His alone. And for that reason we have to believe He remains in control even when we groan when the godless rule (Proverb 29:2).

Before the election, our pastor informed that whatever the outcome we would gather for three days to pray for our new President and the government, including local and city officials. The message is clear. It's time to pray rather than give way to fear and anxiety of which I have felt in these days.

There's this increasing sense we are heading into a storm of our own making. Our country has forgotten the God who birthed this nation and have exchanged lies for truth leaving many confused and angry. The sense of apprehension I have felt is a spiritual shaking from faulty foundations that most of us have come to rest. I believe God will use this season to strengthen the authority of the church to be a voice to lead many to safety and salvation.

Beloved, pray for us. Pray for this great nation to bend its knee to the Maker and Founder of this great country.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Rest For Uneasy Times

Psalms 23:2, David so poetically describes, "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters (NIV). The verse reminds me when as a child I would lay in an open field and gaze up at the heavens. I'd imagine God leaning over his throne to catch my eyes. I would peer sharply through the clouds perhaps like Stephen who laid dying saw Christ stand to His feet. Once I pretended to be asleep so my father could carry me up stairs and tuck me in bed. I felt so safe and loved in those arms.

And there is a photo of me at 14 years old lying down on a grassy lawn at a Florida mission boot camp waiting for the next directions while others were busy registering. That summer marked a life changing moment when I traveled to Brazil with a team to build a church.

Gone are those childhood moments when the world seemed safe and I felt secure in it.

Today the world in which I live is on edge from terrorism, mass shootings and contentious politicians. Of foreign powers who want to test and launch nuclear warheads. The church is to be our safe haven. But the spiritual leaders of America have done little to help a nation that has broken free from her moorings anchored in God's word. They have accommodated and compromised for some acceptable standing in the world's eye or at best to build their own personal kingdom of sorts.

If anything the American people like myself know little of rest and sense of safety. Just check the shelves where you can buy sleeping medication. It's nearly empty!

I think of Christ asleep during a terrible storm when the disciples accused Him of not caring for their safety. Jesus rebukes the storm and peace is restored (Mark 4:39). Beloved, there will be many storms in our lifetime. But only Christ can bring lasting peace to the turbulent emotional storms. Or when illness rages the body or the heart sinks with dread.

We have this promise no matter the season of our lives or the times we live in. In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.(Psalms 4:8).

Beloved, God gives us rest for our souls. Ask Him, as I so often do, for rest - a peace that permeates to the depths of soul. We can lay down and rise fully rested because He who never slumbers or rests, watches over us (Psalms 121:4).