Saturday, September 17, 2016

Bitter or Better?

Jesus warned we will be offended (Luke 17:1). Believers of Jesus Christ are an opposed people. The world, the Devil and even our own flesh is offended by the gospel of Jesus Christ - it requires a lifestyle of sacrifice, surrender and submission to His sovereign will - every moment of everyday.

We don't do whatever we feel because we love and live for Him. So a believer who is sincere and walking honestly before God is offensive to the ungodly and worldly minded. Even in our weakness and failures, we demonstrate forgiveness and patience because the Holy Spirit empowers us to make right choices.

From personal experience, the offenses that I've experienced had little to do with an opposition to the gospel. Rather my offenses were minor scrapes and slights from loved ones, bad attitudes, cross and unfeeling words spoken and misunderstandings.

While some things are important and carried a weight of an emotional investment, it was a far cry from the offense Christ bore on the cross. He was innocent of all trumped up charges made against Him. It was love that held Him fast to the cross - suspended between heaven and earth - bearing the full weight of all our sins. Christ was the offended party and we were the cause of the offense through our sin and disobedience.

In light of all this I asked the Lord to remove such folly and sting of past offenses from my heart. Namely, I wanted to be right with Him in those hidden places in my heart where I may be offended by God. Questions not answered. Prayers delayed. Unexplained pain. Why things go from bad to worse in my family after so many have prayed?

When I understand He owes me nothing. That He's under no obligation to do anything for me or explain Himself rather out of His goodness and kindness, He has shown me great mercy. And from that place of mercy I can know freedom to grow better not bitter in my relationship with God. It's enough He loves me. It's enough to know I belong to Him and He will not abandon me. Then from that place I can release any personal and relational offenses much easier - though painful and at times it can be a struggle.

Beloved, we have supernatural grace from God to grow better in Him. Simply ask Him for greater grace, greater love and power to deliver you from any bitter root. His grace is always sufficient.

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