Saturday, August 6, 2016

Quiet Acknowledgement

I returned home from a business trip last night. We have been married twenty-two years so it was the first time we had been separated for more than two days. At the end of week, I was exhausted but decided the next morning to take a short road trip to make up the time we missed.

The New England weather was picture perfect on a hot August afternoon. When we were rounding a hill when we heard a noise on the left side of the car. After we parked the car we spotted the left tire on the driver's side was nearly flat. We found a service station that inspected the tire and then noticed our state inspection sticker was expired. We were informed it could result in a ticket if a police officer was to pull us over. Our registration could be impacted. So the station did both the inspection and repaired the leaking tire.

My wife said quietly, "Perhaps the flat tire was a way of God telling us to take care of the inspection." I agreed. The sticker was completely forgotten since we drive less these days. It seemed that along the entire journey His hand was present. Our tire didn't blow out on the country road. We found a service station close by and we were still able to enjoy our afternoon. We didn't pray about this issue other than a prayer for safety as we usually do when we travel. Still God acknowledged us in our time of need when we didn't even know a need was about to present itself!

I think of Ruth in the Old Testament. It's not recorded in the Scriptures that she prayed though I believe she was a praying woman who learned from her mother-in-law. But still her spoken and unspoken desires became realized when she married Boaz and was brought into a covenant relationship - not only of marriage but the Jewish nation itself - ultimately the very lineage of Jesus Christ.

What matters the most is that we acknowledge God first (Proverbs 3:6) above all our wants, needs and desires. When we acknowledge Him we are really submitting to His desires and His design (or plan) for our lives. Something I believe Ruth quietly learned when she returned to Naomi's homeland. We acknowledge or confess that He matters. His heart and thoughts are greater and higher than our own. Then He makes our paths straight. As in our case, the car tire was repaired and properly inflated to take us straight home.

Beloved, be encouraged God acknowledges you - where you live and how you live- just breath His name. Say to Him aloud while on your bed at night. You are with me. Immanuel God with us. And you will find a deep abiding peace flow over you because the Prince of Peace acknowledges you.

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