Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Right Side Of My Heart Died

Recently I was speaking to a claimant who told me about his heart condition. He said the right side of his heart had died because he didn't take of the problem earlier. Long after the conversation had ended his words haunted me.

The right side of my heart died.

I wonder if there were places in my heart that had died or was dying from neglect. Places where I re-assigned or failed to care and just simply let His purpose for this life slip away as the daily grind of work ate up all my strength and energy. I know such a divine purpose is for my good. It will make for healthy heart pulsating with His love and power. But at times it seems so difficult and painful to deal with the things He is pointing a finger at - the things that are lacking and growing worse like bad attitudes and ingratitude - like the claimant, I just ignore it or wish it away.

We are warned in Hebrews 3:8 from the example of the Israelites during their wilderness journey: "do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness" (NIV). Something got lodged in their hearts and minds that closed off God's flow of life. No wonder the original word for "harden" means to be dried up. And that is what happens when we ignore or wall God off from our lives - especially places where He wants us to surrender.

Anytime we spend less and less time in prayer and reading God's word or withdraw from attending church we are endanger of a heart growing cold and lifeless. Soon our heart will die to right side of things and become callous to His warnings. With a harden heart comes an increase to the attractiveness and pleasure of sin. Remember sin is deceptive and will hold out a false life with it's fleeting pleasures. It may make one feel alive but in the end results in death.

No matter how hard the heart God can change it. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26, NIV). Such a heart David possessed and sustained through out his lifetime even when he greatly sinned.

Perhaps the secret of keeping a soft and teachable heart is found in the words of Christ. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21, NIV).

So we must settled the issue that the world has nothing to offer us. The life we had once lived is over. Our heart does not belong to the things of this world. We are not going to be like Achan who hid a wedge of gold and a Babylonian garment in his tent to his and his family's destruction. The right side of his heart and right thinking was dead and corrupted from earthly spoils. He failed to keep his eyes on the prize of a Promised Land with the entire nation going together on God's terms - not individually with a greedy and rebellious infested heart.

Beloved, like the psalmist who declared, "A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked." (Psalms 84:1). When a heart can truly say without any hesitation I rather be in the house of God with His people is a heart that truly is full alive - every chamber filled with an ever increasing desire to love and care - such is a healthy heart.

Keep your heart open to Him by telling Him everything you feel and experience. Give no room for darkness to creep in with thoughts that God does not see or care. Don't shut him down or out. His ears are open to the honest humble cry. He will woo and win your heart completely to Him. God is gentle and kind to the broken. He will bring your heart back to life again!

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