Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wormwood and Gall

Lamentations 3:19-20 says "Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me" (ESV).

What is this wormwood and gall? Resentment. One simple definition of resentment is a wound or an offense that soon becomes infected. Resentment goes one step further: it re-sends it back to the one who inflicted the grievous blow!

In the Christian life the Lord may direct us to places we rather not go. He may ask us to do things we rather not do. Or He may instruct us to be silent when we want to give our opinion especially after being offended by someone close to us.

In other words, our life is not our own and this could result in harboring a resentful attitude toward the Lord. We don't fully understand some of the difficulties and afflictions in our life. We believe He should spare us from unexplained pain. It does not help that our American culture embraces all sorts of rights and entitlements all in the effort to have a self directed life with a single purpose of being happy.

God is not concerned with our ever changing need to be happy but rather He desires a willing life to trust Him. God is good and the end result of Him conforming us to His image will be our highest delight. It does mean suffering, trials and temptations or whatever means God uses to shape us into fine child that represents His nature.

The writer of Lamentations gives a key to overcoming resentment. "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not (verse 22 KJV).

When we realize the Lord is the offended party as a result of our sin and disobedience; He has every reason to destroy us except for His rich mercy that stays His hand. So why do we think we can "re-sent" our anger and shake our fists at the heavens toward a God who only has our good in mind?

Beloved, the sacrifice of praise in tough and challenging times will help us bring our focus back to recalling His mercy. It will keep out resentment from infecting the mind and heart.

So many times this past week I had fallen into a grumbling and complaining spirit. But when I chose to verbally (yes,out loud) say, "Thank you, Jesus. I love you." the atmosphere changed and so did my attitude. Rather than "re-send" to Him a list of complaints I sent Him worship. Worship will always move His heart and it's worship that puts everything in right perspective. He is God and I am not. He is sovereign and knows what is best - I do not. What follows is a humble submission to His sovereign care knowing I live because of His mercy.

If you are resentful why not lift both hands up and worship Him. He will remove that corrupt spirit of wormwood and gall and give you refreshing mercy to comfort your trouble heart.

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