Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Antidote To Despondency

From time to time we experience moments of despondency.

Often such a feeling of hopelessness or lack of courage occurs when we are confronted by impossible situations or overwhelming difficulties. In such a time you can't pretend to be strong and put on a brave face. No matter what efforts are made nothing seems to work besides all your strength is gone.

Similar to the advertisements that promise medicine to be full strength like aspirin there is a single capsule to provide to all necessary strength found in Ephesians 6:10.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might" (KJV, emphasis mine). This verse contains three Greek words to describe the supernatural strength God provides us. Endunamoó (to be empowered) kratos (dominion, exerted power) and ischus (force to overcoming immediate resistance).

In other words, God's supernatural strength empowers us to exert dominion and resist opposition so we are able to stand firm and fight the schemes of the devil (verse 11).

Beloved, despondency is Satan's campaign when waging war against the saints because after all he is a defeated foe. If he could drag us into his own pit of despondency then we give up precious territory that is ours to possess. Always our source of strength start when we worship the Lord in the midst of life's challenges. Despondency will lose it's tightening grip over our minds as we look heavenward to His radiant face!

If you are feeling despondent let me encourage you to read Psalms 103:1-5. These verses remind us of His goodness when it seems everything and everyone around would say otherwise. When the battles and struggles of this life seem to devour our strength we must acknowledge what He has done and is presently doing and what He will do in our lives. This serves to increases our strength to hope in His promises.

Remember God is at work on our behalf to conform us to His beloved Son and He works all things for our good (Romans 8:28-29). When we remember His goodness our strength is renewed and we can go from strength to strength (Psalms 84:7).

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