Saturday, March 14, 2015

Am I Enough For You?

Perhaps the first step toward freedom from addiction starts with this question: Is God enough for you?

One definition of addiction is a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences (Wikipedia).

You could say the driver for most addictions is discontentment.

Those who suffer from addiction know first hand that it's never enough. One more sip. One last sexual encounter. A final purchase of clothing or shoes on an already overdrawn checkbook, I promise. One more party and then I'll stop. They risk destroying their lives and others in a pursuit to be satisfied. Just a little relief. One more ounce of comfort to escape from what seems to be a harsh and painful reality.

Then there is a sudden crash into a deepening pit of despair and frustration. Followed by a cold slap of reality that reminds them they are more bound than they liked to think.

A cyclic pattern emerges with failed efforts to stop only to find themselves returning to destructive behaviors. Just as described in 2 Peter 2:22 "...A dog returns to its vomit," and, "A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud." (NIV). The body shows signs of weariness and sin sickness that addiction often brings. The bills stack up and like the prodigal they have no more resources or means to live. Friends are fewer and family seems far away to bring any relief.

Beloved, lust for more will always consume and burn up everything and everyone in its path - it's a fire that like hell which can't be quenched. Only the grace of Christ can put out the burning of discontentment and restore a charred life.

But God hears the prayer of those who yearn for freedom. "I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God." (Psalms 69:2-3, KJV).

He comes in your most darkest hour and immediately stretches out His hand much like He did for Peter who started sinking into the stormy sea.

When you are willing and content to be saved by Him alone and not from your own efforts to do better...when Christ becomes your all - when nothing else matters - when you can say, "Yes, God you are my sufficiency - my all and all!" then the shackles of addiction will loosen and break off. He becomes your living water that satisfies. Your bread that fills your soul. He is your life. No hellish power of addiction can cut you off from His incredible mercy to be delivered.

It was enough for the hemorrhaging woman to brush her fingertips on the fringe of Christ's robe to be healed (Matthew 9:20).

It was enough for another woman to eat a crumb fallen from her Master's table (Matthew 15:27).

And for the centurion who sought healing for his servant asked Jesus to say only a word (Matthew 8:8).

Jesus is asking you, "Am I enough for you?"

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