Saturday, January 17, 2015

Untying Emotional Knots

A knot is a compact intersection of interlaced material, such as cord, ribbon, or rope (The Free Dictionary).

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken" (KJV). Some say this describes a marriage relationship ("tied the knot") where two become one - their strengths overlapping each other's weakness.

But there are other knots like the one in your stomach from tension or a painful knot in the lower back.

Recall the strength of a knot is in the particular material used with its many interwoven threads or strands. And where two or more pieces of this material intersects a knot can be formed which constricts movement or prevent slippage.

You could say a multi-layered argument in the mind can form a tight knot. A mental or emotional knot prevents the flow of sound thinking and reasoning. You may have heard it said, "I got my wires crossed." This happens when conflicting information overlaps what you first believed to be true. For some the mind is a tangled mess of crossed and crisscrossed wires that eventually become knotted into a tight ball! We don't know what what to believe anymore.

We could say the worse knot is unbelief that binds us to our faulty thinking thus limiting God to have His way in our lives.

That is why we must ask the Holy Spirit to unravel the knots in our minds - especially knots formed by damaged emotions that have tightly interwoven itself over the years.

We have made assumptions based on our life experiences and drawn conclusions based on our human reasonability. As a result this constricts any movement away from our position of thinking to thinking rightly and clearly.

Beloved, He knows how to unravel those twisted emotional knots by wounds perhaps from unkind words or painful experiences. He knows the material of our arguments and the many strands that strengthen it.

When He completes the work of untying our emotional knots - His word will form another knot - something that is called a true love knot - that will bring healing. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. (Psalms 147:3, KJV).

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