Saturday, January 10, 2015

Faith To Forsake Egypt

In the Scriptures Egypt represents the world and all that it offers outside of Christ. It's very much like our present day world with it's ungodly system of thinking and behaving. At your choosing the flesh pots of Egypt offer sensuality, materialism and idolatry of all sorts.

Such worldly voices will say, "All this and much more if only you turn back from following the Lord to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin for a season!" But they speak nothing of the death that follows sin (James 1:15).

For forty years the Israelites complained in the wilderness for the lack of food and water. Egypt was behind them but it became evident of a deeply embedded worldly attitude and mindset. Remember these are the same people who were once slaves cruelly mistreated and despised in Egypt. Their twisted ideal of Egypt was now a place filled with food and enjoyment compared to this dry and barren wasteland. They went as far as calling Egypt the Promise Land (Numbers 16:13).

Beloved, when we go through difficult times there is a temptation to form an ideal world where our flesh is well pampered and nourished. But like the Israelites we forget the cruel bondage, the destruction and pain caused by our sins and the sins of others.

Some Christians may say I don't live or act like those in the world. Beloved, I'm addressing a mindset - an argument - that the world we had forsaken to follow Christ somehow holds out a promise of a better life especially when things become too hard and difficult.

Speaking of Moses we read: "By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27 KJV). It was not fear that drove Moses out of Egypt but faith in God who He saw as greater and higher than the Egyptian palace where he had once lived.

The Scriptures warns us "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15 KJV).

We must ask God to increase our faith to see the invisible things of God - His kingdom, His purposes and His plans - that will make our present life and the way we live be brought into right perspective. Beloved, we need the faith of Rahab who believed He would save her and her family even though it meant the city and how she lived in Jericho would be destroyed.

The testimony of those who forsake Egypt without a second thought to that place or how they live matters. It will speak to the next generation that God has something far better than this decaying world.

Beloved, eternity awaits for us. One day we will see Him face to face - the very One we saw when He found us in our Egypt and called us out to bring us into the Promised Land.

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