Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Holy Ambush

Complaining is a form of demonic worship. Such grumbling and complaining is deeply rooted in unbelief. We don't believe God to act on our behalf when facing the impossible. Unbelief narrows the scope of His power. Our focus turns inward and downward rather than outward and upward to Christ. Our problems are elevated in a form of worship (it's all that we talk about) and as a result our problems turn to idolatry.

Before drifting off to sleep I asked the Lord to get us out of our studio apartment with its high rent. I'm annoyed to hear the heavy foot steps from our neighbor above us. For that matter get us out of this city! My wife's temporary job ends in January. The prospective of finding a job in the dead of winter is not promising. The ministry at church leaves me very little strength and joy as a result of the travel time and long hours between services. Then there is work with long hours, the constant phone calls and pressing deadlines. Some days I feel compressed, squeezed and frustrated.

When I woke up that morning the Lord spoke strongly to my heart. And they grumbled in their tents. I stopped in my tracks in fear and repented of my sin. These same words are found in Psalms 106:25 in speaking about the Israelites, "But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD."(KJV). The first generation of Israelites never saw the Promise Land. They were destroyed from complaining and unbelief (I Corinthians 10:10).

Complaining will keep us out of a life full of God's goodness and grace. When we complain we become narrower, meaner and bitter. Our lives are no longer a reflection of Psalms 1:3 whose green leaves never wither. Instead our roots become poisoned from Marah's bitter waters.

But those who choose to worship God He promises to set up an ambush against our foes!

The things that oppress us and taunt our minds God says when you worship me watch what I can do to change the very atmosphere. True worshipers worship in Spirit and truth (John 4:23) and such worship brings light. A light so strong it dispels the darkness that often follows grumbling, murmuring and complaining.

Israel was facing a horrible threat from their enemies. The battle was set against them and odds of any victory was impossible. The king did something very unusual. He ordered the choir to go ahead of the army to sing of God's enduring love and mercy. It says, "At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the LORD caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves." (2 Chronicles 20:22, NLT). When we worship our enemies turns on himself! Remember Paul and Silas in the prison singing songs in the midnight hour when there was great earthquake and the foundations of the prison was shaken and doors flew open! (Acts 16:26).

Beloved, the choice is ours to make. We can complain and remain bound or we can worship God and obtain the victory! The inner prison of those addicted will be set free! Sexual sins will lose their power and lust will be quenched when God is worshipped. Worship will increase a true reverence for God who is more than able to save and deliver us - even from complaining in our tents.

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