Saturday, September 6, 2014

Right Communion

Some of us are perfunctory when greeting our brothers and sisters on Sunday morning. We'd say say the right coined phrases of "How are you brother?" We will pump the hand or smile to show minimum attention. Perhaps there's a slight pause from our brother but what follows is often a rehearsed and expected response. "I'm fine." Then we'd saying something like "God bless you." And then we move on.

Sadly this is extent of our communion with one another in the body of Christ.

It's true that not everyone talks or acts this way in connecting with their brothers and sisters in church. But communion - right communion - means intimacy. Intimacy is cultivated over time through experiences resulting in trust and understanding. It requires moving past superficial greetings into the private spaces of our lives. Intimacy of this kind ties a community together whose members have learned to appreciate right communion.

Think of Jesus at the last supper with his disciples. He illustrated communion being the Vine and the Bread of Life. Of the cup He said, "Take this, and divide it among yourselves (Luke 22:17) and the bread, "This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me." (verse 19, KJV).

Here the Lord teaches an important element of right communion. It requires selflessness on our part. Whenever there is self focus, preservation of self interests or the attitude of "what's in it for me" will only serve to divide and destroy communion.

The Lord on the night he was betrayed shared his broken heart but still gave Himself away to His disciples. After His death the disciples would find themselves in another upper room. Here in this room I believe many of them asked each other for forgiveness and repenting of their sins during the years spent with Christ but were at odds with each other. Think of Peter's arrogant boasting or James son of Zebedee and his brother John asking Christ to send fire down on the Samaritans or Thomas questioning every one's credibility.

When their hearts were right and communion was in order then the fire fell and the church was born. Beloved, we are living in sobering times and need each other more than ever let us make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

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