Saturday, April 5, 2014

Overcoming Temptation

What has been called the Lord's prayer is really a prayer for the disciples. They asked the Lord how to converse with the Father just as they observed Him praying. In Matthew 6:13 the Lord says, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." (KJV). Another word for lead means to carry inward (Strong's Concordance).

Remember James 1:13 that God can not be tempted with evil nor does he tempts us. So what did Jesus mean lead us not or be carried inward by temptation? Clearly God is not leading us so then who is drawing us into temptation? We read in the next verse of James that it is our lust that entices and drags us away.

During their travels through the wilderness, Israel needed water, food and shelter. These are basic necessities to sustain life especially in a hot, parched land where little flourished or cool water flowed. However, when they asked the Lord they tempted or provoked Him by asking from the intent of satisfying their lust. Psalms 78:18 says, "And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust." (KJV). They were being carried away by an inward lust rather than simply ask Him in faith to provide. How many of us take matters in our hands giving the Lord no time or room to respond to our heart's desire?

Beloved, we aware of our lustful desires for certain things, places or people that could lead us to sin. But we fail to recognize the temptation when asking the Lord for the things that are needful, lawful or permissible. It's okay to pray for healthy relationships, basic needs, financial blessings or any number of things. But how we ask and why we ask matters to God. He goes to the intent of our prayers.

What comes out of our mouths in prayer may beguile what really is going on in the heart. God answered Israel's cry for bread, water and meat. Why? We read in Deuteronomy 8:16 God answered their prayers to humble and test them. Often I found myself praying, "God do not answer my prayer but answered as You so determine."

Here is how we overcome temptation by learning to be content with Lord's present provision. I Timothy 6:8 says, "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content." (KJV). Israel became ungrateful when forgetting many of God's supernatural acts and provision. Their cry was much like our greedy and lust driven culture: "We want more, better and now!"

Beloved, we over come temptation by a simple thank you that reflects on what God has provided trusting He will do it again as He so desires. Are you lonely and tempted to connect with a relationship that God has said no? Thank Him for calling you His friend and for His faithfulness to comfort you. Do you find yourself tempted to drink? Thank God for His living water that never runs dry and for His joy unspeakable.

Let us not tempt the Lord to respond to our pressing inward needs or wants or we could find ourselves being led into a place of testing where He will humble us for our own good.

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