Just pick up the newspaper and we read the latest violence, a famine or horrific war in some far flung country. Our heart grows heavy with despair.
The airwaves are darkened by political foolishness. Candidates promise to save the economy but their rhetoric is short on hope. They talk in circles about some peace treaty that will end all wars. It promises to keep our interests safe, but they can't think of any resolution that has not failed to deliver lasting peace.
Closer to home, your family members may be suffering from health problems or a financial crisis. Relationships are in trouble. Perhaps your job is threatened by cost saving measures. Others think church may offer some relief from the pain and despair only to find themselves sitting alone in the back of the room. They feel disconnected while people hurry all around them but never stop to reach out their hand to welcome them.
God has a remedy for the spirit of heaviness.
Malachi 4:2 says, "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture." (NLT). The King James Version uses "grow up" in place of leaping. These calves are well nourished, full of life and carefree because they have full range of meadows to roam.
And this is what God does when we experience a spirit of heaviness. Read the next verse. It says, "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts." (verse 3, KJV).
All the weighty things that had pushed down on your shoulders like a heavy yoke and cause you to slump and be bent over. Yes, every weight that made your feet slow and sluggish. All the trappings and oppressiveness of the Enemy will be used to trample him into the dust. The Lord takes the very weight of the spirit of heaviness to crush the head of the Enemy! God exchanges heaviness for a garment of praise (Isaiah 61:3). He lightens our feet so we can dance with joy and gladness on the head of the Enemy.
Oh, yes, one more thing. Remember the ashes..where the Enemy tried to grind to powder your hopes and dreams? God can make something beautiful out of nothing! (Isaiah 61:3).
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