Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Are we hungry for more of Jesus? More of His life and power? More of His passion and holiness? Or we stuffed with worldly junk? Junk that promises to feed a need like sensual music, lust frenzy media on the latest gossip or flashy and fleshly materialistic goods?

Israel craved for meat so God sent it. They got more than just meat for the Bible says God sent leanness in their soul (Psalms 106:15). Why? I believe the Lord wanted to keep them hungry for His presence. God knows human nature will never be content with little but will always want more and more to satisfy a desire or need. If appetites are not submitted to Christ it can quickly become destructive.

That is why the Lord says, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4, KJV).

One woman with great faith understood that just a crumb that falls from the Master's table was enough to satisfy her soul (Matthew 15:27). She understood that little was much in the eyes of God. She was treated rudely by the disciples who tried to prevent her from approaching Christ. She was a woman of no standing and she was a Gentile - a Canaanite - whose people were to be destroyed by the Israelites when first entering the Promise Land.

In one stroke of holy wit she said in essence, "You are my Master. Anything that falls from your table is enough for me. It will feed me! It will answer my deepest longing. My Master!"

When we are content with a single crumb fallen from the Master's table it will truly satisfy our deepest hunger pangs. But one taste will only make us hunger more for Him, the Bread of Life.

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