Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Through The Fire

Joshua was a High Priest at the time Israel was returning from captivity. In Zechariah 3 we read of a vision where the High Priest stands before God as Satan attempts to resist him. God in turn rebukes the devil (verse 3) and then orders an angel to remove the filthy clothing from Joshua and put on new raiment (verse 4).

There is a lot to be learned from this passage but I want to suggest that by God removing the filthy garments speaks much about the transforming power of the Lord to make us something other than we see ourselves. God who does not change is at work to change us which frustrates the devil at every turn. I believe putting on the robe of righteousness is a form of rebuke to the Devil.

For everything the world, our families, the Enemy or even ourselves said about our lives as being stained, broken beyond measure, or ruined - God has something to say that silences these voices.

God says, "Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?" The brand or branch was a burnt (or burning) stick that at least from the surface may seem charred but is still very intact and green. For Joshua and the nation of Israel the fire was 70 years of captivity. Even returning to their homeland proved challenging as there was opposition to rebuilding the broken down walls, burnt gates and ruined temple.

How many fires has God rescued us? Fires that could have destroyed our lives, homes and relationships? And how many fires did God set ablaze to bring our foolish to an end? Think about David who return from a raiding party to find Ziglag smoldering after his wives, children and those of his men were taken when it was raided. Ziklag was a city outside the border of the Promise Land where David fled to escape King Saul. There he found some false comfort and security in the enemy's camp. I believe God had to destroy Ziklag so David could return home. The next city he would live in would be Hebron where he was crowned king after Saul died in battle. David went through the fire and he was purged, ready to serve as a priest like king over a nation.

Beloved, whatever the source of the fire - be it the Lord consuming our fleshly works or the devil trying to torch the good things in our lives - we have this promise in the Scripture in the Word to rest on. Take it to pray today and trust God will see you through the heat and the flames as the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace.

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.
(Isaiah 43:2, NLT).

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