When we abide in Christ, that is to say, when we chose to remain in Him as He is in us we are bound to be fruitful. But for fruit to produce, it requires a measure of faithfulness. Nothing grows independently but requires cultivation and care.
If we are not reading the Scriptures daily our knowledge of Christ we will not mature and produce fruit. But knowledge can only go so far because we need the Holy Spirit to work His life in and through us so we can bear the fruit of the Spirit.
The Lord says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5, NIV).
God is faithful and can not fail, but are we willing to remain or will we run when He prunes us?
When we don't spend time in the Word, we will not be able to discern accurately what is a lie and that of truth. We can easily fall prey to seductive voices of reason and worldly wisdom.
Such worldly thinking dismisses the reality of God, of a hell and of a coming judgment. If anything the devil wants us to shift our focus away from Christ to the temporal pleasures of this life so we can be disconnected from the life of Christ.
To abide in Christ does not mean a stationary life. Nor does not mean a boring and dull life. No, beloved the Christian walk is an exciting journey as Christ leads us to our true home in heaven. Wherever He plants us be it for a season or a lifetime depends on our willingness to stay connected to the Vine even when we are going about our Father's business.
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