Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lending Your Faith

It's very easy given our culture to form a selfish faith. People defend their faith based on their theological view point and will not be persuaded to believe otherwise. Others stake their faith on gaining possessions, wealth or working their way up to some prominent position in the body of Christ.

We have all been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). Even if we were to have all faith to move mountains but not have love, we are nothing (I Corinthians 13:2).

To counter a selfish faith is to lend your faith. Lending your faith is like a group of circles overlapping one another so that it creates an ever widening bandwidth of faith in believing God to do the impossible.

For example, when you ask a group of friends to pray for you each one prays differently as the Lord directs them. Say you need a job so one prays for the right opportunity to present itself. Another prays for the job interview. Still another prays for the employees of the company or even the office space to be safe and pleasant. You see each person is praying with the measure of faith God has given them.

In the body of Christ it's all right to say, "Brother, I can believe God this much for your need," and a sister to say, "Yes, I will agree with my brother and I will pray for God to do this..."

When we lend our faith in a collective agreement it means faith will increase both individually and corporately as we see God move among us. It takes faith for the small and big things but most importantly any victories won by faith is to be shared in the body of Christ.

You may say that you don't have much faith. Start with sharing your testimony. The wonderful things God has done for you will encourage and build faith in those who hear.

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