Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Simple Prayer

Prayer does not need to be lengthy or poetic. It can be a simple, "Help me, Lord." A sincere heart that calls out to God is a cry heard on high.

It's the person who refuses to play fast and loose with sin. They repent quickly and seek His washing. They love Him too much to grieve His heart. Even when failing, they hold to His promise that He will deliver them.

The person who prays simple prayers is one that has come to an end of spiritual parading - making a loud show but having no substance - no, this person has learned less words are best. Religious catch phrases will not work. Pulling Scriptures out of context will not do. This is a lover of God's truth. So simple prayers are truthful, not sugar coated.

God hears the groans and sighs of the heart where words fail to express. Ecclesiates 5:2 says, "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."

We are a nation of talk - talk shows, radio programs, music - we can't be still and say less. But in prayer few words whispered in the prayer closet say a lot about our heart.

Some might say, my problem is not talking too much but not talking at all to Jesus! What do I say to Him? Beloved, even if it's a matter of stumbling about with a few words, we can all agree that prayer is simply saying to Jesus, "I love you." Say it over and over again and the Spirit of God will respond to you.

I can't tell you how many times I had so much to say and ask Him, but stopped and simply whispered, "I love you, Jesus." In moments the anxiety and fear left. His sweet Presence flooded the room. You could almost hear Him say, "I love you, too."

Back and forth and over and over we echo the words, "I love you." This would be repeated until there was nothing more to say except stop and think about Him. Yes, think about Him and then you will find the words flowing out of your lips when you describe Him from your heart to His heart.

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