Proverbs 3:6 says, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (KJV). Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines the word acknowledge as 1) to recognize the rights, authority, or status of, 2) to disclose knowledge of or agreement with and 3) to take notice of.
Over the past four years there is a simple that truth that has brought me the greatest victory and freedom from temptation and demonic assaults, namely in the mind. The truth is to acknowledge God is ever present. He lives in me. He is in control and sovereign over all things.
One day while walking back to the office, I found myself praying aloud the verse in Psalms 139:8, "If I make my bed in hell, Lord, You are there. And where You are Lord, it is heaven, because Your Presence changes everything!" I was surprised by my next words, "I invite You in my hell, Lord." Suddenly all the difficulties, the pressing problems and nagging temptations were blown away like a mist.
In my acknowledging Him, He in turn, acknowledged His promise to abide with me, to never leave or forsake me. My downward and inward attitude changed in that moment of looking outward and upward to Him. It was a Peter moment so to speak when he looked at the stormy waters than in the eyes of his Master.
Beloved, we too often acknowledge our problems and difficulties. Or we fix our eyes on those who seemingly are victorious all the while we feel worse and wonder what is wrong with us. Who not what we acknowledge is important. In this case, acknowledging Christ really matters when we desiring victory.
When we acknowledge the Lord it says He will direct our paths which tells me we are no longer confused in the direction we need to take. Our path is straight and our feet will not stumble because we acknowledge His ever present Presence with us.
Don't be afraid beloved if you have found yourself in sin. Be honest with Him. Acknowledge you have fallen short but acknowledge His promise to forgive and restore. He will acknowledge His promise to you to bring you into freedom.
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