You feel the walls close in around you. You can't catch your breath. You face pressing deadlines at work. Your children have a problem, a question or fight for your attention. Wave after wave you are hit with demands from all sides. Blow after blow of crushing expectations must be satisfied to keep harmony in relationships. You must be a top performer, even at home, or risk failing. Your friends want to see you happy and carefree so you wear your best smile but you are just plain weary and discouraged.
Discouragement is a waning of confidence, that inner fortitude to face whatever challenges you will encounter in a single day. Some days are better than others especially when you have friends and family who encourage you along the way. But strength is not about self-talk or willing your own confidence, but a life completely helpless to which God can fill with supernatural power.
Think of Joshua after the death of Moses. Who could live up to a man of such stature? Joshua must have felt small in his shadow. Millions of eyes were now looking to him to lead them into the Promised Land. A land of giants, foreign gods, plenty to eat, homes to dwell and families to raise into a powerful, mighty nation. Joshua had to be both warrior and spiritual leader. What a sharp change from a man who was an assistant to Moses!
God gave Joshua as He give us today a promise. "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5, NIV).
No matter what difficulties we face in life - God is with us! We don't need to measure up to another person's stature or try to be something we can't be in our strength. God promises to be with us so we are not alone. He is our constant supply of strength and encouragement. God is with us!
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