We were given names at at birth. Our names were legally written on a birth certificate. And in the end, it will be written down once again, on our death certificate.
Throughout our life time our names will become so much apart of who and what we do. Some names have become famous while other names are infamous.
Think of Esther in the Bible, a righteous queen in Babylon and that of Jezebel, a wicked queen in Israel. Even today, Jezebel's name is rarely given to girls while Esther is more common.
In large part, our names defines our personality and shapes our outlook in life. When God changed a person's name in the Bible, He changed them completely.
Think of Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Saul to Paul, from Simon to Peter and Jedediah also known as Solomon. Most of us are familiar with their new names and the character they represented than the old name and the life they once lived.
Sadly, there will be times in our lives when our names in the mouth of someone we love will hurt us deeply. Whenever they speak our name, it causes us discomfort and pain. Beloved, we can trust God when He calls us by name because our name is safe in His mouth.
There will be a day when we will be given a new name (Revelation 2:17). I believe God will sum up in that one name our entire life with a glorious applause of His work completed in us.
One day we will look Him in the eyes as He calls out or new names. I wonder if we will repeat it while reflecting on lives and it will be clear that we lived out our heavenly name to the fullest, but never knew it until that moment.
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