Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Father's Embrace

Many may have known a father's tender touch. A touch that made you feel protected, loved and wanted.

For others, the desire to know a father's embrace is too painful to confess. There might have been neglect, abuse and discomfort of a father who was distant and disconnected. A man who wielded a heavy hand to crush and silence any expression of care, safety and love. You were pretty much on your own.

Some never recovered when a father turned a child away. They limp through life, maimed and a bit bent. They find themselves in broken relationships (or breaking them) with that single hidden, longing to know the love of a father. A father who was meant to be a hero, bigger and taller than anything or anyone else.

Jesus rebuked the disciples who tried to prevent the children from coming to Him. We read in Matthew 19:14, "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (NIV).

I believe Jesus wants us to approach Him much like a child - regardless to our maturity, being worldly wise or settled in our ways of thinking.

He wants us to come to Him wide-eyed with wonder, uncomplicated, full of expectation to be received in His embrace. Sadly, for those who suffered at the hands of a father, we approach God in the same way. We are suspicious. Fearful and resistant. We question and argue about His love, care and protection. Perhaps someone else is more deserving so why would you want to love me? Look where I live and the mess that I made of my life.

But once in His arms, all fear and doubt melts away. Pure love from the Father overtakes us. We have nothing to prove. No broken toys to offer or promises that fail. We don't have to labor to be a good girl or boy. Simply, we are children of God loved by a Father who will heal and restore us.

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