We walk through a filthy world. Foul language at work or obscene images clutter the billboards. Magazines and books line the shelves with titles that scream flesh, sensuality and pleasure.
Some people wear clothing (and very little of it) to draw attention to their figure. Depending where you live, you might see a prostitute, a drug pusher or a rebellious young person acting out - a dying illustration of the weariness and stain of sin.
If not the world's pollution, we battle in our minds with memories, flashes of lust and a whole range of thoughts and emotions, much of it will lead us into sin, if acted upon. By the end of the day even a shower can't seem to scrub clean the grim and residue of what the world has tried to hurl, push or brush up against us.
Then we go to prayer. Here the devil speaks lies and accusations of how dirty we are in His presence (see Zechariah 3). How we are hiding or holding out from God some dirty secret desire or lust. As Christians, we are more sensitive to guilt and shame and this adds a burden to our efforts to connect with a holy God.
Beloved, we must be reminded of these words from Jesus. John 15:3 says, "You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you." (NIV). And in Psalms 119:9 we read, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word." (KJV).
We must believe we are clean before God otherwise we will find ourselves in a performance mind set - setting our own standards, fulfilling religious obligations and making promises and vows to do better - only to fall flat on our face.
Because of His blood, Jesus sees us much like Nathanael, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!" (John 1:47, KJV).
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